• Step, Hop

    It’s two days before Christmas and it’s raining. The intermittent islands of snow leftover from last week’s storm have turned into mush and mud.

  • Gym Companion

    I’m sweating. The Arc Trainer console displays a digital steep hill as I press my Nike clad feet harder on the foot pedals. I’m…

  • The Bike Ride

    It’s a Thursday night in February. Remnants of crusty snow dot the lawn, the ground is frozen, and tomorrow is garbage day.  I’m wearing…

  • Snow Boots

    A shroud of clouds wrapped the sky in gray. Throughout the day sizeable snowflakes white-washed the familiar landscape into a foreign terrain. The afternoon…

  • Peaches

    She came home to die when the peaches hung heavy on the tree limbs. My siblings and I readied her room, put sheets on…

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Raelene Burnett, a believer that stories can unite and inspire, has been a clandestine writer for most of her life. A Disneyland devotee and a lover of hammocks on tropical beaches, she seeks to shine a small light in a dark world. Thanks for being here.